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Finance Committee
This committee is responsible for a broad range of issues from the club's investment policy and accounting system, to the annual budget.

Membership Committee
This committee carries two major assignments: increase club membership and retain existing members.  Both require a deep belief in everything Rotary stands for and sensitivity to people's needs, problems and schedules in today's business world.

Subcommittees of the Membership Committee:
This committee is responsible for seeking new members for our club. They develop prospects for membership, and explain membership requirements and expectations to interested applicants. The committee also deals with current member requests for classification changes, leaves of absence,resignations, and other related issues.

Rotary Orientation & Induction
This committee is responsible for orienting new members about our Rotary Club and Rotary International as well as scheduling new members to be introduced to the club.
Red Badge
This committee is responsible for encouraging members, in particular new members, to participate in the activities of the club and become active and nvolved Rotarians.  It assists in the orientation of new members, supervises the club's mentoring program and assists the Rotary office by providing song, pledge and invocation leaders for weekly meetings.

Rotary 101
This committee provides members with a sound understanding of what it means to be a Rotarian and how to get the most out of membership.

This committee is charged with coordinating events that promote friendship, fellowship and fun. These gatherings are designed to provide a casual and fun environment for the sole purpose of getting to know your fellow Rotarians on a more personalized level. 

Past Presidents Committee
This committee, which is Chaired by the immediate Past President, is comprised of all past presidents of any club, who are current members of the Rotary Club of Houston.  It shall offer, on its own initiative, or when asked, counsel to club officials. 

Program Committee
This committee is responsible for arranging for each week's program of speakers, including Back-to-Roots programs.

Strategic Planning Committee
This committee, which is Chaired by the President-Elect, serves as the long range planning group for the club.  It reviews and updates the Club Vision Statement, and with an eye to the future, suggests to the Directors ideas and plans looking toward a fuller development of the Rotary concept.  It also recommends changes to the Officers and Club Board of Directors.
