3755 Richmond Ave.
Houston, Texas 77046
Thursday February 29, 2024
11:30 AM - 1:15 PM
Most cities in the U.S. are at a crossroad with loud arguments being made about crime prevention, but devoid of any real discussion of any value. Police are under siege. Citizens fear them as being too “trigger-happy.” Crime is out of control. Judges are not doing their job. Due Process is cumbersome and very expensive.
Life in some cities resembles a bad “PURGE MOVIE” where criminals are allowed to commit crimes without punishment.
Mental illness, substance abuse, homelessness, “suicide by cop” are on the rise. Border crossing by millions of poverty-stricken people, worldwide, including, many organized gangs, will, without doubt, contribute to the crime problem. It seems like every criminal has a weapon, many with automatic weapons.
Consider this: According to a reputable study on criminal behavior, 76% of active criminals and 89% of most violent criminals either perceive “NO RISK” of apprehension or are unconcerned for the likely punishments for their crime.” They assume they will never get caught or, if caught, they will be let off with a lesser penalty, plus, any severe penalty, if it comes, will be many years in the future due to our back-logged criminal justice system.
Please invite your friends and potential RCoH members to this particularly important and timely program. Send out our invitation to your friends. We will fill up quickly.
Joe Colangelo
Rotary Club of Houston
Program Committee
Kim Ogg, Harris County District Attorney, is a native Houstonian and has been a lawyer for 35 years.
In 2020, DA Ogg was re-elected to a second term by a margin of more than 120,000 votes. Under her leadership, the Harris County District Attorney's Office is dedicated to community safety through evidence-based prosecution and equal justice for all.
During her first term, DA Ogg successfully advanced major drug policy reform, police accountability through prosecution of police corruption and shootings, diversified the leadership of the District Attorney's Office, and effected protection for crime victims through legislative reform.
As the top law enforcement official in Harris County, DA Ogg's current priorities are to stop the release of repeat and violent offenders on bail through evidence based advocacy in court, to reduce the enormous case backlog, and to push Houston's most important cases to trial and conclusion.
Andy Kahan joined Crime Stoppers of Houston in June 2018 as its first-ever Director of Victim Services and Advocacy.
Prior to Crime Stoppers, Andy served as the Victim Advocate for the Mayor’s Office and Houston Police Department for 26 years before retiring and joining Crime-Stoppers of Houston to resume his career as a Victim Advocate. Andy Kahan received his Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice in 1983 from the University of Houston. He worked as both a Parole and Probation Officer before becoming the first victim advocate in the country to work in a Mayor’s Office. His responsibilities included working with local crime victim’s rights organizations to facilitate the pooling of resources and the exchange of information, accompanying and representing victims before the Parole Board, putting crime victims in touch with local crime victims support and advocacy groups, and court accompaniment.
Leticia Ybarra - Mother of a Murder Victim
After the 2020 murder of her daughter, Jessica, Leticia has been determined to make some good come out of this tragedy in her memory. She plays an active role in promoting homicide victim advocacy and has participated in multiple local news interviews and press conferences, spoken at homicide victim organization events and traveled to Austin to testify in Senate Committee hearings in support of laws aimed at ensuring justice for homicide victims is served more efficiently. As a result of her efforts in supporting SB 402, sponsored by Texas State Senator John Whitmire, SB 402 is now official and expedites trials for defendants charged with murder and capital murder.
Although nothing can make whole the loss of her daughter, she’s dedicated her time trying to leave the community of victims and their families a little better than she found it. Leticia can often be heard saying or signing off on an email with the quote “Jessica’s mama will never go quietly.”
A native Houstonian, Leticia earned her Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from the University of Houston and her Master of Business Administration in Financial Management from Lamar University.