Thursday September 17, 2020
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
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Joseph Agris, M.D., has been going on medical missions around the world for decades, providing not only basic medical care but also much-needed reconstructive surgery to children and adults who would otherwise be shunned, even by their own families, due to their appearance. He has also provided critical instruction and education to hundreds of physicians and surgeons at various medical institutions throughout the world.
Aside from his medical mission, Dr. Agris is an accomplished author. His novel, entitled “Mission Divided” is considered his third book in a compilation entitled, the “Dr. Angel” series (following “Tears on the Sand” and “Miracles in Bedlam”). “Mission Divided” is a compelling story of a physician who must on occasion put down his scalpel and take up arms against some of the gravest threats he encountered while serving in Pakistan. Coming this fall, he has a new book coming out about Abu Ghraib during the Iraq war.
Dr. Agris is a graduate of Temple University of Dentistry where he received a D.D.S. degree with honors, a graduate of Albany Medical College where he obtained a M.D. degree, and served as a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, also referred to as the Commissioned Corps of the United States Public Health Service, as Chief of Surgery. Dr. Agris also stablished the first “Plastic Surgical Program” at the Federal Correction Institute in Long Beach, California in conjunction with the University of California at Irvine. Dr. Agris and his wife, Terry, are residents of Bellaire, Texas.