Chief Meteorologist at KPRC-TV
Thursday April 29, 2021
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
CLICK HERE ---> April 29, 2021 <--- CLICK HERE
KPRC Chief Meteorologist Frank Billingsley first called Houston home in 1989, now forecasting Houston weather for 31 years.
For more than three decades, he has made weather clear and easy to understand. “The challenge is taking a complicated subject and making it simple, but I really enjoy it," he says.
"Of course, since Hurricanes Harvey, Ike, Rita and Tropical Storms Allison and Imelda, we've all learned how powerful weather is and while I can't control what happens, I can be there to warn people when their lives or property is in danger. That's what I most love about my career. I feel like I have a chance to give back to the world," Frank said.
In September 2018, Frank made public his Prostate Cancer diagnosis and his decision to pursue a treatment in clinical trials known as Aurolase. The procedure infuses gold nanoparticles into the cancer lesion followed by laser ablation. So far, the treatment has been a success. Frank says, “All men need to pay more attention to their health and, hopefully, my going public has inspired more awareness and action. A simple PSA (prostate specific antigen) blood test can save lives.”
Frank is also author of Swabbed & Found: An Adopted Man’s Journey to Discover His Family Tree (Bright Sky Press, 2017) recalling his DNA & genealogical search and eventual reunion with biological family. “Trust me,” he laughs. “We’re all related!”
Frank recently was inducted into the Texas Navy as an honorary Admiral, the highest honor the Governor of Texas can bestow on any citizen.
Frank’s career has included Best Weathercaster awards from the Associated Press, the Houston Press Club, the Houston Press newspaper, the Dallas Press Club and, most recently The Diana Award for Community Achievement and an Edward R Murrow Award for his team’s coverage of Tropical Storm Imelda. The award he likes best: The Houston Chronicle named Frank the "Ultimate Weatherman”!