3755 Richmond Ave
Houston, TX 77046
December 1, 2022
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
What is Web3 and why is it a game changer?
Summary: presentation will go into what Web3 is, some basics of
blockchain, and how it is different from the traditional hub and spoke
structure of the internet, along with how this technology will change
How FTX is NOT web3 and is actually an artifact from web 2.0
Giorgio is an Italian-American software developer and entrepreneur. While working in the Oil and Gas industry in 2011, he was introduced to the bitcoin white paper. Ever since, he has closely followed developments within the ecosystem. After working 7 years at one of the largest commodity companies, Koch Minerals and Trading, he decided to focus exclusively on crypto and founded the web3 focused software development company, Spindletop Digital, that builds web3 focused applications along with advising on web3 related topics. Within the space he has co-founding various web3 companies, such as Fair Bid, and has spearheaded the tokenization of an established Italian hotel on lake Como. He has also been highly active in the community and participated in various discussions with the LAO, Lex DAO, dxDAO, and Art Blocks. In addition, Giorgio runs the Houston Web3 meetup, a diverse group of crypto enthusiasts dedicated to building community, educating and onboarding and being a platform for innovation. The Houston Web3 meetup, has over the years, introduced many people to the basics of web3 along with hosting hackathons, and paneled discussions within the community.