Rebecca A. Williams
Executive Director

Thursday January 28, 2021
11:30 am - 1:00 pm

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Since 1998, Habitat for Horses has worked closely with law enforcement throughout Texas and across the nation, assisting in investigations, temporary holding, documentation, and court presentation in abuse and neglect cases.

The purpose of Habitat for Horses Inc. is a) To promote and secure the safety, well being and health of horses. b) To encourage education concerning the physical and mental health of horses. c) To utilize horses in the growth and mental health of humans, either adult or children, through education, demonstration and connection. d) To study, promote, and enhance the proper training of horses through positive training techniques. e) To provide a home for those horses who are no longer able to be productive. f) To return to health, if possible, those owned horses that are deemed sick or injured.
