November 18, 2021
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Virtual Meeting ---> November 18, 2021
Tony's, 3755 Richmond Ave., Houston, TX 77046
Joining the Harris County Flood Control District in 2004 as the District’s first meteorologist is one of many precedents set by Jeff Lindner. In his primary role as Director of the District’s Flood Operations Program, Jeff implements regular communication with the National Weather Service and the Harris County Office of Emergency Management (HCOEM) during times of flooding while monitoring 154 rainfall and stage gages and collecting data at over 400 bridges located on many of Harris County’s 2,500 miles of channel. In addition he oversees the operation of the Harris County Flood Warning System, the Discharge and Rating Curve Program, and is currently developing a real time flood forecast system. Jeff has developed multiple presentations and preparedness materials on hurricane impacts, flooding, and drought and how to prepare and respond to these weather episodes. Jeff holds a Bachelor of Science degree in meteorology from Texas A&M University. He is a member of the national and local chapters of the American Meteorological Society and of the Texas Gulf Coast Emergency Managers Association, the National Hydrological Warning Council, Texas Flash Flood Coalition, and ALERT Users Group.