Thursday November 19, 2020
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

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Fake News or Fair and Balanced? Distinguishing Fact from Fiction

Brief Description

How can you help your family separate Fake News from fair and balanced, especially now that most Americans get their news from questionable and deeply partisan sources? In this funny, non-partisan, and interactive online program, former Rice business-school professor Lydia Musher will introduce us to the fascinating technology and counterintuitive techniques that businesses and politicians employ to persuade and manipulate us from both sides of the aisle. You will leave better armed with the tools and resources to help your family make smart choices.


Lydia Musher is an experienced, parallel entrepreneur whose 20+ year career has been built at the intersection of computer science and communication. For the last seven years, in addition to owning an executive search firm, Lydia was a professor in the business school at Rice University. She holds an MBA from The Wharton School focused on marketing and entrepreneurship as well as MEng and ScB degrees in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Finally, Lydia is a CBY congregant, the mother of four current and former BYDS students, and the wife of sometimes-cantor, always-oncologist Benjamin Musher. She invites you to submit any questions in advance at
