Susan V. Brodbeck
Rotary Club of Lake Houston Area

January 6, 2022
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Due to the rise in COVID-19 cases this will be a Virtual Only meeting. 
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Susan V. Brodbeck
Rotary Club of Lake Houston Area

Susan Brodbeck is retired from a buying and merchandising career of 31 years in May Co. Department Stores in Indianapolis and at Foley’s in Houston.  

Susan graduated from Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri with an Associate of Arts Degree in Business and Retailing and then from Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing.  After graduating she was a buyer and a merchandise manager for L. S. Ayres Department Stores in Indianapolis, Indiana for 24 years.  In 1992, as a result of a merger, Susan moved to Houston as the Ladies Coat Buyer for Foley’s.  Now, ask is anyone successful at selling coats in Texas??  But, during her 9 years at Foley’s Susan earned “Buyer of the Year” 2 times.

She has been a member of Rotary since February 2007 and currently serves as the Rotary Youth Exchange Officer for the Lake Houston Area Club.  During her tenure she has coordinated 26 Inbound and 65 Outbound Rotary Youth Exchange Students.  She also serves as the liaison for the many wonderful Host Families who have hosted the Inbound Rotary Exchange Students from around the globe.  She has also served on the District 5890 Rotary Youth Exchange Committee.  Additionally, Susan served as President of The Rotary Club of Humble in 2014-15.  Organizing and planning are two things Susan really likes to do.

On a personal note, Susan, enjoys year-round golf at the Clubs of Kingwood.  Staying in touch with old friends and making new ones.  It has become a hobby for Susan; she says...  “Some people collect coins, I like to collect friends.”

Susan enjoys her membership in The Rotary Club of Lake Houston Area as it has opened avenues of opportunity for humanitarian service and camaraderie with like–minded professionals and associates and, the ability to keep current with what’s happening locally and nationally and as well as  globally.  Susan will tell you through involvement in Rotary Youth Exchange there is something to do every day to give a student somewhere in the world a “leg up” in life!
