Richard S. Lawrence
District 7890 - Chair

Thursday March 18, 2021
11:30 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.

CLICK HERE --> March 18, 2021 <-- CLICK HERE

Rick received Bachelor of Building Science and Bachelor of Architecture degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY.  He was a practicing architect in Manchester, CT for 46 years until his retirement in 2015 when he and Elin made Ft. Lauderdale their residence and began spending summers in Rhode Island.

He joined the Manchester, CT Rotary Club in 1978 and in 2000 received the first of six Paul Harris Fellow awards.  For the past six years he has served as District 7890 Chair for Water & Sanitation Projects. In 2014 Rotary International presented him with the “Service Above Self” Award – Rotary’s highest honor and awarded annually to a maximum of 150 individuals throughout the world.


While vacationing in Guatemala in 2006 Rick attended a meeting of the Rotary Club of La Antigua, Guatemala, making the initial connections that resulted in twenty-five sustainable clean water and sanitation projects completed from 2007 through 2020.  His presentation today describes the efforts to fund another two villages in Rotary years 2019-2021 utilizing the ninth and tenth Global Grants.
